

My Life Changed When I Had a Stroke In College

Blog Ingrid, a college student living with central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis, shared her story with the Vasculitis Foundation in her own words: In the fall of 2022, I was in my sophomore year of college. I started feeling terrible the very first week of classes. It was August 27, I was studying and feeling […]

Revelations: How One Woman is Emerging from her Vasculitis Gloom

Blog When I spoke to Lupe on the phone for the first time, I asked her to describe herself in a few words. Colleagues had already told me about her, calling her “hilarious,” “always uplifting,” and “welcoming.” But when I asked Lupe, who’s been living with granulomatosis polyangiitis (GPA) vasculitis since July 2023, she paused, […]

We All Deserve Kindness

Blog Before Irene Tipton began her journey with (Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis) GPA, she had dedicated her life to helping others learn. First as an elementary school teacher, then an assistant principal, and then training other teachers, she used her gifts to connect people and ideas.In 2020, her world changed when a string of physical conditions […]

“I Had No Idea If I was Going to Live or Die” – Alex’s Teenage Journey with Vasculitis

Blog Meet Alex, from Fort Mitchell, KY, who’s living with GPA vasculitis: I was diagnosed in June 2018 when I was 16 years old and in between my sophomore and junior years of high school.The challenges I faced with vasculitis were plentiful. I woke up one day being unable to bend my knees without extreme pain, […]

“What If Vasculitis Stops Me From Becoming a Mother?”

Blog Samantha SainteMarie was in graduate school, working to get her master’s degree in mental health counseling, when it first happened. She was typing a research paper and noticed that her legs and feet had swollen. By the time the swelling went down, purpura–purple patches on her skin–were all over. “It looked like a port […]

Top Vasculitis-Friendly Travel Tips for the Holidays

Blog Getting ready to travel? Our community of vasculitis warriors shared their top travel tips to help you face your adventures with extra calm and control! Got a long flight or car ride? Wear compression socks. And don’t forget to get up and move every hour. Elevate your legs to help with leg pain in […]