Wellbeing Resources
These resources were selected to support the information and activities in the Navigating Your Vasculitis Journey guidebook and have been pre-screened by a licensed clinical social worker who works with people with chronic illness.
Resources by guidebook page
20 minute Loving Kindness Meditation
Video on the Benefits of Meditation
Explore Common Blocks
Watch this video of Dr. Kristen Neff talking about this issue which stops folks from being kind to themselves.
Learn About You
Take a self-compassion assessment. Remember that the information you learn about yourself is one way of acknowledging the present moment with kindness.
Relaxing Bedtime Stories
Living Well with Vasculitis Physical Health Resources
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Soma Yoga with Molly
Molly is a certified SomaYoga Therapist and Trainer who has vasculitis. She has provided workshops live, virtual workshops and in-person workshops for the Vasculitis Foundation.
- Reducing Pain & Anxiety with Soma Yoga https://youtu.be/gXXgQHnbJiI
- Renew & Restore: Soma Yoga for Fatigue & Exhuastion https://youtu.be/EE7WJeR-10k
- Additional Soma Yoga Resources https://www.yoganorthduluth.com/resources/somayoga-practices/
Seated Strength
This short video takes you through a series of strength exercises that can be done while seated. Developed by Brandon Hudgins a former long-distance runner with vasculitis who has a Master’s degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science.
- Loving Kindness Meditation or Self-Compassion Break https://self-compassion.org/category/exercises/#exercises
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nZEdqcGVzo
- 30-minute Relaxation Meditation https://insighttimer.com/rickhanson/guided-meditations/relaxation-2
- Guided Body Scan Meditation https://www.calm.com/blog/body-scan
- Box-Breathing Exercise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEmt1Znux58
Sound & Music
- Consider connecting with a music therapist and sound healing https://www.healthline.com/health/sound-healing#summary
- Learn about and use bilateral music https://www.ementalhealth.ca/Waterloo-Regional-Municipality/Bilateral-Music-for-Anxiety-Stress-and-Trauma/index.php?m=article&ID=84502
- Use nature sounds or ambient noise in the background while you rest https://earth.fm/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA67CrBhC1ARIsACKAa8QPETTnwIaXgtzPdDZw15BdXwduUCdmNvWSwgSJws8ac-cav_0Nu24aAhG2EALw_wcB
- Use mindful colouring, drawing, or create mandalas to focus, relax, and quiet your worries https://www.art-is-fun.com/how-to-draw-a-mandala
- Guided visualization https://www.tenpercent.com/meditations/freeguidedmeditations
- Safe Place guided visualization https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rliAH9ewHEU&t=9s
- Try a Sleep Story https://www.nothingmuchhappens.com/
- The Container Exercise from EMDR therapy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfgoKNejOBs
Calm, Peaceful Guided Imagery
Dr. Brené Brown discusses Living Into Values on her Podcast Unlocking Us
Dr. Steve Hickman guided meditation that leads you to connect with your felt values
Values Card Sort
Consider joining a Vasculitis Foundation Support Group to feel seen, heard, and understood in this journey.
Support Groups
The Vasculitis Foundation (VF) offers online support group meetings for people with vasculitis and their families. VF online support meetings are led by a facilitator and a VF staff person.
Our one-day, in-person vasculitis conferences feature engaging and informative presentations from medical experts and researchers as well as chances to connect with other people who, like you, get what it is like to live with vasculitis or love someone with vasculitis.
Living Well Resources
Our Victory Over Vasculitis health, wellness, and self-advocacy resources have been developed by people, like you, who live with vasculitis every day.